'Momentary Pleasures': Revealing the Environmental Impact of Valentine's Day Traditions
Introduction: For my latest project, I delved into the world of Valentine's Day celebrations, focusing specifically on the tradition of gifting flower bouquets. Although cherished by many, this practice generates a significant amount of unseen waste due to the CO2 emissions caused by transporting flowers. With my campaign, "Momentary Pleasures," I aimed to shed light on this overlooked issue and challenge impulsive consumption during special occasions.

The Hidden Waste: Valentine's Day is associated with various wasteful gifts, including balloons, stuffed animals, glitter, and excessive plastic packaging. However, the production of cut flowers stands out as one of the most polluting practices. These flowers are often imported from distant countries, resulting in extensive transportation and energy consumption. In fact, the three weeks leading up to February 14 alone accounted for a staggering 360,000 metric tons of carbon emissions (International Council on Clean Transportation, 2023).

Aesthetics Meets Awareness: In my project, I aimed to create visually captivating images that effectively communicate the message. By combining strong visual elements, clear composition, and a colour palette reminiscent of traditional Valentine's Day celebrations, I sought to captivate the audience's attention and provoke thought.

Achievements and Reflections: Throughout the project, my meticulous attention to detail resulted in visually pleasing and professionally executed illustrations. They played a crucial role in conveying the story behind the flowers, from their origins to their fate. However, I recognize that the animation itself lacked the smoothness and complexity I had envisioned, as I primarily relied on a basic zooming effect. Time constraints prevented me from exploring more visually engaging techniques.

Looking Ahead: Moving forward, I understand the importance of better time management to allocate sufficient time for different aspects of a project. By simplifying my illustration style without compromising its aesthetic appeal, I can strike a balance between intricacy and efficiency, enabling the creation of visually captivating animations within the given constraints. Additionally, I aim to expand my knowledge of perspective in animation to create more visually dynamic frames and compositions.
Momentary Pleasures

Momentary Pleasures
